This game is hard to control and confusing. Yes, it is pretty and smooth (thats why its 2 star) but thats basically the only plus. The game itself is boring and the objective is easy. Find fish and bring it to the flower. The levels are tedious because there are about 4 different stages in each level. Now that takes time, so when I exit the game because I have to do something, I would like to pick back up at the stage I was at. Unfortunately, you have to start the entire level over.
The viewpoint of the fish isnt good. I cant see anything. The koi is hard to move, so when I see an obstacle at the top of my screen Im going too fast to turn around.
I would like this game if there was an easier way to control, like a pad on the bottom. That would be so awesome!
Also, the levels should, at MOST, have 2 stages. If that doesnt happen, make it available to start back where you were.
Add objectives. Finding fish and bringing them to matching flowers isnt going to cut it.
My viewpoint will be changed if you fix these problems. Im sure other players agree.
Lexarex about KOI - Journey of Purity